iMovie and Editing

iMovie is a powerful tool for students and teachers to share their knowledge and express themselves in the form of digital movies, combining video, photos, music and sound.
It is the base of any editing program. If you manage iMovie, you can learn any editing application easily. 
This is a Mac application. The version for PC will be Windows Media Maker. 
For PC users I recommend you see the Mac tutorial first, and then download the PC related screen shots here.

🇪🇸 This tutorial is in Spanish version.
Cómo utilizar iMovie y crear un clip con música y subtitulos.

Storytelling activity: make an animatic based on a story or tale. Draw some basic sketches of this short tale, add the drawn images (you can either scan them or take a photo of each image), titles and a soundtrack or voice over.

How to cut a segment in iMovie.

In this video I'm going to show how to take out an unwanted segment of a clip. 
I first downloaded this clip from Youtube with the Clipgrab application, and imported into iMovie.